09.37 Quote of the morning (Saul Kripke "Naming and Necessity" p.64):
"It (the cluster concept of names) really is a nice theory. The only defect I think it has is probably common to all philosophical theories. It's wrong."
I like this quote.
11.15 I've now moved from Kripke to Anthony Blake: "The Blake-Blake Theory Of Communion" from the first issue of the DuVersity Newsletter. However abstruse AGEB, even JGB's "Dramatic Universe", might once have seemed to me, both are rendered immediately more concrete & accessible whenever I turn from reading 20th. century academic philosphy.
Reading Bennett, my sense is he saw something directly & tries to out that into words. Reading (much) academic philosophy, my impression is that words and arguments are attempts to achieve insight, rather than the results of insight.